
Enterprise IT Solutions
IT is a science, service is an art
EFFICACITY We're Open Seas. A technology consulting firm founded on years of industry experience, strategic vision, and an obsessive commitment to customer service.

Open Seas are specialists in business systems from around the world. As a bridge between customers and suppliers, we aim to find the best technical solutions to meet your business needs. We have the ability to offer software that meets your exact requirements, we offer solutions to best fit your needs.
SIMPLICITY No call centres or telephone mazes. Just simple direct access to people who can actually help you. Our network of suppliers and resellers, backed up by our own team of experts and experience, will help to keep your systems up and running.

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- helping improve performance, efficiency, quality, and of course profitability.
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Oveliane is a French SIEM (Security Information & Event Management) specialist focused on the detection and management of IT security incidents.  

Experience gained working on bespoke customer projects highlighted a gap in the normal perimeter and identify / access control security. When these are breached, which they might be, how do you detect a hacker already in your systems? How do you protect your secrets, your IT assets, your IP and your brand assets if your perimeter or access control security has been compromised? We’ve seen this in high profile attacks via web sites in recent years. The brand damage once customers’ personal data has been compromised can be irreparable.

IT security can be intense. Attackers come from all quarters. They can be internal or external. They can be creative and persistent, regularly finding ways to circumvent the prevention tools and methods used by IT security teams.

Many security attacks, in particular APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats), follow similar approaches in the attacks: starting with simple low level connections to the server, then elevating their privileges, new account creation, followed by adding files/programs/services and configuration changes such as port openings.

Active monitoring and alerting to changes on critical systems is the final line of defence before the drama of a serious IT security breach unfolds with the damage to reputation and brand that goes with it!

The two conventional categories of IT security tools have limitations:

  • Perimeter protection tools are essential to IT security but insufficient.
  • Attack detection tools are in a perpetual state of catch-up to the latest attack vectors being used by hackers.

OVELIANE offers a new approach. It’s OSE software focuses on the effects of security breaches, thus ensuring the preservation of system integrity.

OSE detects illicit or unwanted activities (APT) as the occur:

  • Changes to system components and applications
  • Presence of unusual, unnecessary or unjustified network flows
  • Appearance of new processes or services

OSE provides a complete view of server health status, allows to address security from a different angle, and so to keep a step ahead of cyber attackers.

Acknowledgements and Copyrights

This site is owned and managed by Open Seas (UK) Ltd with Oveliane & OSE content recreated from Oveliane's material. Open Seas are an official Oveliane partner for the UK & Ireland