
Enterprise IT Solutions
IT is a science, service is an art
EFFICACITY We're Open Seas. A technology consulting firm founded on years of industry experience, strategic vision, and an obsessive commitment to customer service.

Open Seas are specialists in business systems from around the world. As a bridge between customers and suppliers, we aim to find the best technical solutions to meet your business needs. We have the ability to offer software that meets your exact requirements, we offer solutions to best fit your needs.
SIMPLICITY No call centres or telephone mazes. Just simple direct access to people who can actually help you. Our network of suppliers and resellers, backed up by our own team of experts and experience, will help to keep your systems up and running.

With 25 years experience, we ensure your software is valuable to your business
- helping improve performance, efficiency, quality, and of course profitability.
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  • Open Seas (UK) Ltd The Old School House, The Causeway, East Hanney Oxfordshire OX12 0JN United Kingdom
  • +44 (0)1235 537391 or USA (650) 590 5448
  • +44 (0)1235 535168
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Suresync pro - Open Seas

The SureSync Pro bundle is a perfect fit for anyone seeking to replicate and synchronise files between Windows servers. Whether you need files synchronised to between servers located centrally on a LAN or remotely across a WAN, SureSync Pro provides the features to connect and replicate files efficiently.

Key Features

Suresync Pro advantages
Suresync Pro IT software
Suresync Pro data protection




Connect to any machine via IPv6 / IPv4 or resolvable DNS to synchronise & replicate files between servers.

The remote differential compression functionality allows SureSync to copy only the changed portions of a file rather than the whole file.

Continuous replication around the clock; 24×7. Ensure your critical data is always available.

Acknowledgements and Copyrights

Open Seas (UK) Ltd has been providing local sales and support services our SureSync customers in the UK and Europe since 2000. This site is owned and managed by Open Seas (UK) Ltd with SureSync content recreated with the express authorisation of Software Pursuits Inc. Open Seas is an official Software Pursuits Reseller partner for the UK and Ireland.